Friday, July 30, 2010

4.3: The Mean Value Theorem and Monotonicity

Use the derivative to test the sign,
which will help determine the graph's design.
The change in sign will determine a local max or local min,

finally figuring this out made me grin!


1. Find the critical point(s) and apply the first derivative test. Is there a local max or a local min at the critical point(s)?

2 can't be equal to zero.
x+3=0, x=-3.


Critical point: (-3,-16)

I picked points to the left and right of -3. I used -4 and -2. I plugged -4 in for x in the derivative of the original function, and got -2. I plugged -2 in for x in the derivative of the original function and got 2. This means that there is a local minimum at -3, because the sign changes from - to +.

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