Thursday, July 22, 2010

3.6: Trigonometric Functions

This section is just ridiculous. A whole section devoted to telling us that the derivative of sin x = cos x, etc. etc. etc. This should have been stuck in with some other section.....


1. Find the derivative of f(x): (cot(2x+4))*(sec(cubed root of x))
First you use the product rule: (cot(2x+4))'(sec(cubed root of x)) + (cot(2x+4))(sec(cubed root of x))'
Then you use the chain rule to solve: (-csc^2(2x+4))*(2)*(sec(cubed root of x) + (cot(2x+4))*(sec(cubed root of x))*(tan(cubed root of x))*((1/3)x^(-2/3))

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